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Windfarm rejected

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By Fiona Reid
Windfarm rejected

A WILDLIFE group has welcomed councillors' decision to turn down a windfarm bid for the region.

The plans by Community Windpower Ltd for 14 turbines at Spango, 4km north of Sanquhar, have been thrown out by Dumfries and Galloway Council’s planning committee.

And RSPB Scotland have praised the move, saying the proposal threatened to damage an internationally important wildlife site.

The development would have been located on part of the Muirkirk and North Lowther Uplands Special Protection Area (SPA), which is designated for its importance for species such as the hen harrier, peregrine, merlin, short-eared owl and golden plover.

But it attracted objections from RSPB Scotland and Scottish Natural Heritage.

Chris Rollie, of RSPB, today said: “This is extremely good news. This decision sends out a very strong message about the importance of protecting Scotland’s wildlife heritage. The windfarm would have resulted in significant damage to an area that is truly spectacular for wildlife, and an SPA, one of the highest environmental designations in Europe. This is clearly not an appropriate place for a windfarm.

“Renewables must be delivered, but not at any price. We would be happy to work with Community Windpower Ltd to identify other more suitable places where renewables could be developed without significantly damaging a designated site.”




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