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Witness plea after town centre assault

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By DnG24 Newsdesk
Annan and Eskdale
Witness plea after town centre assault

POLICE at Dumfries have appealed for witnesses following an early hours assault in the town today.

The victim, stated officers, was attacked at the foot of Friars Vennel.

A spokesman said: “Three men were seen running up Friars Vennel in the direction of the Douglas Arms pub after the assault.”

They have issued descriptions of the men:

The first is said to have short dark hair, slim build wearing blue denim shirt with white sleeves and blue jeans.
The second had short brown hair, muscular build, wearing a khaki coloured t-shirt and black jeans.
Finally, the third had short dark hair, was of medium/large build, had dark coloured polo top and dark blue jeans.

A police spokesman added: “Police would like to hear from anyone who may have witnessed this incident or have knowledge of those involved.”



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Moffat, News

27th Feb

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LOCHMABEN and District Community Council will hold their next meeting next week.