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Woodland working group launched

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By Fiona Reid
Woodland working group launched

A NEW working group is being set up to help small woodland owners and farmers with clearing up after Storm Arwen.

The move comes after meetings between public forestry agencies and the private sector to assess the scale of damage after the storm, and identify capacity issues in the worst affected areas..

The working group will prepare practical easy to understand advice on what woodland owners need to do to clear the fallen trees. Part of this will include providing information on what species of tree may be best placed for replanting.

Environment Minister Màiri McAllan said: “Storm Arwen might have happened last year but its effects will be felt by many for some time to come.

“I am impressed how the major players in the forestry sector are working together in such a collaborative way. This co-ordination of action is needed and I would like to thank the industry for their pragmatic way of dealing with the storm’s aftermath.

“What is clear though is that we can do more for the small woodland owner. Many will not have encountered such a devastating storm. With targeted advice, we can help farmers and small owners manage the aftermath, whilst creating more resilient woodlands for the future.”

The membership of the new working group will be formulated over the coming weeks.

Annan and Eskdale

28th Feb

Final prep for Lucas

By Fiona Reid | DNG24