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Woodlands group needs more people

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By Fiona Reid
Woodlands group needs more people

NEW volunteers are being sought to help with Moffat Community Woodlands (MCW).

It is a community owned, mixed woodland based on Gallow Hill at the northern edge of the town. The history of its early planting dates back to a map from 1763 found in Lord Annandale’s archive at Raehills and can be traced back as far as the 12th century.

The 33 hectare site, formerly a spruce plantation, was clear-felled in 2014 and purchased from Annandale Estates in 2016. The vision was to create a thriving mixed woodland owned by the community that provides a lasting legacy for future generations, driven by sound environmental principles. The key aims are to manage and develop the land for the Moffat community and visitors with a focus on sustainability of trees and wildlife.

MCW is a registered Scottish charity, managed by a small board of trustees, all unpaid volunteers from the local community.

A spokesperson said: “Gallow Hill has come a long way since 2014 when it was a dark and slightly foreboding conifer plantation with little wildlife.

“We began the planting of mixed native species back in 2017 and the last sapling was ceremonially planted in autumn last year. It was a journey to get here but the Gallow Hill woodland is now being left to mature at its own pace and has grown into a haven for a variety of wildlife and bird species.

“We’ve had invaluable help from a band of dedicated volunteers and helpers over the years of planting, but numbers have dwindled and, as trustees, we still have ongoing management and maintenance of the site.

“As the woodland enters a new stage of development, we’re very keen to attract new members and volunteers to help us going forward. It’s a fabulous and rewarding place to spend a couple of hours ‘bathing in nature’ and to help in sustaining this special community space for the future.”

No experience is necessary and the opportunity is suitable for all ages and abilities.

The next volunteer session is scheduled for Sunday October 27, meeting at the Beechwood shelter 11 am.

To find out more, visit the Facebook page ‘Friends of Gallow Hill’ or email [email protected].


11th Oct

Gang claims rubbished in court

By Fiona Reid | DNG24