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Xmas plea to be with baby

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By Fiona Reid
Xmas plea to be with baby

A COUPLE have been left seeking a room this Christmas — after their baby was born prematurely last week.

Becky Maxwell and Ryan Muir from Lockerbie are seeking funds to pay for rooms at hotels and bed and breakfasts near the Glasgow hospital caring for baby Miley-Rose, who was delivered nine weeks early.

Farm worker Ryan said: “Myself and Becky were not prepared for any of this, financially or mentally.”

He added: “It’s really beyond words how exciting it is to become parents but in our situation it’s very hard to feel all this excitement given our circumstances.”

Becky had been attending a routine check at Cresswell in Dumfries when it was discovered she had pre-eclampsia.

Ryan said: “We had no idea, and it was very lucky we were in that day. “As the day passed Becky became very hot with a temperature and got very poorly and doctors were coming in more and more frequently.”

The following morning 20- year-old Becky was taken by ambulance to Princess Royal Maternity Hospital in Glasgow.

Ryan said: “I wasn’t allowed in the ambulance. As she was leaving I saw the blue lights and sirens. It was terrifying.”

An anxious Ryan made his way to the hospital with family members, and the following day Becky underwent an emergency c-section.

Their daughter, Miley-Rose Muir, was born on December 8, nine weeks before her February due date.

Ryan said: “As soon as she was born she was rushed up to the intensive care unit where she was attached to all these wires and tubes.

“Miley needs support with her breathing and is also being fed through a tube every hour.”

Doctors advised the young couple that it would be in their baby’s best interest to stay in hospital until her original due date.

So far Ryan has been able to stay in relative’s rooms in the hospital, with Becky as a patient, but circumstances are set to change.

Ryan said: “Unfortunately the hospitals do not provide accommodation for parents who have a baby in intensive care — which is heart-wrenching to us, as it means we have to leave the hospital without our baby and go back home.”

The couple, who will spend their first family Christmas at the hospital, have set up a gofundme page and are appealing to friends, family and kind-hearted locals to donate.

Money is required to cover accommodation costs to stay in cheap hotels near the hospital so they can visit their baby girl as frequently as possible.

Ryan said: “We would greatly appreciate if people could help donate to help keep us up here with Miley-Rose.”

The young couple intends to dedicate their time to helping other parents in similar situations once their daughter is home and settled. So far the couple has received over £250 in donations from friends and family.

To donate, visit