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Yes or no to Indy Ref 2?

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Yes or no to Indy Ref 2?

FIRST Minister Nicola Sturgeon this week set the wheels in motion for a second vote on Scottish Independence.


And her announcement has been met with a mixed reaction from the public and politicians in Dumfries and Galloway.

Aaron Robinson, who has lived in Dumfries for four years after moving from Newcastle, is perplexed at the timing of a second referendum.

He said: “I hate the fact another Indy Ref might take place. Why say it’s a ‘once in a lifetime’ vote, and then announce they’re doing it again? They must’ve skipped a generation that we weren’t aware of.”

Christine Hughes, also from England, but now living in Moffat disagrees, however.

She said: “Well, I am English and have only lived in Scotland for just over 12 months, so maybe my opinion isn’t valid. But I can understand Scotland wanting independence, and will vote Yes if I am still living in Scotland when the indy ref date is set.”

Alasdair Macrae from Annan views another referendum as a second bite of the cherry that he never though Scotland would have this early.

He said: “In 2014, I don’t think anyone thought of another referendum so soon. Because of Brexit we now have to seek a path for what country we want Scotland to be.”

On the other hand, Will Little, of Dumfries, has compiled a list of ‘once in a generation events’.

He said: “The Olympic Games, The FIFA World Cup, Robbie Williams leaving Take That, Bon Jovi doing a farewell tour, a Scottish Independence Referendum.

“Another perfect distraction created by the SNP Government in their ten year reign. Never mind the state of our local services, schools, police force, or NHS – here’s an argument that will divide families, workplaces and the entire country again.

“ Agreeing with him is Deborah MacBeth, of Beattock.

She said: “No means no. So much for all the hype last time about once in a generation! Time must fly by on Planet SNP.

“Give up and let the country stay united and move on.”

And Nicola Tattersall, of Lockerbie, added: “It doesn’t make sense! She wants Scotland to be independent but still be part of the EU – I wouldn’t call that being independent really!

“And another thing, what if the votes go the other way this time and we do get independence….what happens next: are the ‘no’ voters going to spit their dummy out like the ‘yes’ voters did the first time round? We’ll be going round in circles.”

Meanwhile, Dumfries based author and charity worker Mark Frankland is delighted at the prospect of a second referendum.

He said: “I’m absolutely delighted at the news of a second Indy Ref, but annoyed at a lot of the comments about it. “Some say that the last Indy Ref was awful and divisive, but that wasn’t my experience at all.

Myself and others seen it as a brilliant event, that got people inspired and out of the house.

“It was very clearly stated in the SNP’s manifesto that leaving the EU would give a mandate for another Indy Ref, and the promises made as part of ‘The Vow’ in regards to devolutionary powers have not been kept.”

Paul Geddes, Dumfries, agrees there have been broken promises, and said: “I think it’s only fair to have a second referendum. Normally I’m all for the vote of the people being final but in the aftermath of the first Indy Ref, we have had Westminster break several promises to the Scottish people. Combine the break away from Europe and a large Scottish majority wishing to stay in, It’s only fair that it should go to vote again.”

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