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Your stars for 2023

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By Cara Hamilton
Your stars for 2023

Aries March 21 – April 20

Saturn and Jupiter, the two big planets, bring a prospect of big changes and a repositioning of positives and negatives. For those who found 2022 hard, this puts you in a better place to cope with and thrive. Saturn signifies long needed travel and financial gain, but the gain comes if you are steely and plan it out. A real attraction to spirituality arrives too.

Do not allow yourself to adopt the easy, if it’s for me – it won’t go by me, attitude. Be analytical and be strict. Personally and professionally these two big planets want to take care of you and they do have the right to ask you to play your part.

Look to improving your personal fitness and mindset. You may think mindfulness is for other people, wait until you realise you are one of those people.

Taurus April 21 – 20 May

Venus has been in the shadows awaiting the right time to spread its pixie dust on the Bull. It signals creativity and perfection in what matters to you. Let your head rule your heart instead of the opposite. New friends and acquaintances are the key to having a fulfilling year, a year which does have the scent of far flung travel.

Near the end of March the wheel of the year clicks with a boost. There is one proviso, however, stay away from politics and do all you can to learn new skills.

Be open and the future will open up and explore with laser beam focus the next step you wish to achieve. If you are not thinking that far ahead, start to. This year has real promise written on it, but you are part of that process.

Gemini May 21 – June 21

It is the year of patience. Jupiter tells you to make contacts in all spheres of life. When you go to achieve, do not take prisoners, go for your goals with 100 per cent commitment.

Mercury gives you dreams in the second half of the year.

Children conceived in 2023 will be blessed.

Mars comes into your life with a focus and really will try to instil a sense of ambition.

Older Geminis who feel technology has passed them by should take the bull by the horns and get with the digital age. It is just the oil in the joints you need. There is also a refound interest in learning, especially when it comes to the sciences.

If you are in a work-life balance quandary or your work is causing you to feel abrasive, look elsewhere and leave your fight for something else. That is lowly compared to what you are capable of.

Cancer June 22 – July 23

The first quarter of the year is one to get your house in order. Concentration on work and career is a tip for the wise. If you seek love or romance discount this first quarter. Do not bow your head at that as the cosmos has plans for April through June. It knows the start of the year is building or reaffirming your financial foundation.

On the romance front, avoid “you must meet my friend”, all potential love interests should be people you have seen with your own eyes.

There is power when it comes to Eastern thought, philosophies, yoga and martial arts. This mind and body fusion you will really benefit from.

Cancerians seeking a new start or new location will find it a good year, especially when it comes to property.

Leo July 24 – August 23

The past is the past and you cannot go back says Saturn. Digging into the past can be troubling, so leave it and consider only what is future centred and where your best interest lies. Avoid aggression in all things, but do not let people walk over you.

Meditation will deeply benefit the lion. There is a big Martian influence which can upset the apple-cart unless you work on mindfulness. You work hard, do rest well too, you deserve it.

In your relationships, avoid other people trying to influence you. They are not you. Anyone ending relationships because they have run their course will find they are empowered by it.

A healthy mindset will see your body follow and the right friends and confidants are part of that.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

2023 requires more effort from you. This new year really is a hard taskmaster for the Virgo. It sees your possibility and asks you to fulfil it. It will be fair though.

Friends play a large part in your life as you progress your personal interests. Career, jobs, and promotions are in the chart, so keep the faith.

Spendthrifts are close to getting financial happiness, so keep up that good work. Mars and Mercury are awesome as a celestial dance act above you. Mars imbues you with confidence and Mercury gives you the poetic expression you know is within.

In relationships, avoid argument and discord until May. The astrological positions cause a few sparks. If it continues after May, then express your true opinions and thoughts. Sometimes relationships need redefined and that is okay.

Libra September 24 – October 23

This is the year of opportunity. It is finance, advancement and pleasure all rolled into one. Saturn speaks the language of intellect and it does not promise there are no potholes on the road, but it does offer solid promise.

July onward is a time of real advancement so long as you have been prudent for the first six months. But be easy on yourself as we are all human. Jupiter is standing like a father figure ready to advise.

Those on a career path will find it slow, but it is steady. Where you feel you are blocked in your personal life, April is a good month to solve it. Happiness and confidence ride side by side. One cannot do without the other.

Venus is awaiting the end of the year to bestow her blessings. This is kindness, forgiveness, love and appreciation.

Scorpio October 24 – November 21

If you are to change house and home then do it now as the signs for Scorpions are positively portentous. Be careful with money, however, as carelessness will bite you, especially May to July.

Those seeking love will find February a good month but ensure it is on your terms. Often you put yourself second and you deserve to be first.

Knowledge and learning come without judgement. Allow yourself time to empower yourself with more. Learning and reading is very catchy.

When it comes to health, the stars infer taking charge of your own destiny. Look after yourself, eat good and treat yourself to good skin, energy and positivity. This is a real key to your future joy. Omens are excellent for you in all parts of life if you look after yourself realising you deserve the good things.

Sagittarius November 23 – December 22

2023 is a good year for you if you retain optimism and see opportunities and not problems. Those seeking love will find Venus has them in her laser vision. Explore your social life more.

This new outlook will pique others and expect them to give their two penny worth. However it’s your life and not theirs to work like you are a puppet on strings.

Stressful home issues will be tackled finally as your confidence grows. This, likewise, brings opportunities, a raft of them. Do not treat your money with a comes and goes attitude, treat it as precious and ensure whatever you do with it should provide value, not just stuff. All happiness is sustainable when personal value and meaning are at the core.

Capricorn December 23 – January 20

Capricorn is the cause centred eco warrior, health guru and business head of its social group. You always see a cause and ride to the rescue. This year sees advances and that causes you to see potential trip hazards as you seldom get this flow. You feel uncertainties, which are good for you as they cause you to stop and think. The advice you give others is golden.

The stars are positive on health matters so long as you do not leave issues unchecked and good health practices are adhered to. This is helped by Jupiter really putting energy into you the more the year progresses. Do not allow carelessness to enter your life. Enable yourself to appreciate yourself. This is the real human battery.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Venus has put a stamp on your sign and it says “you are due love”. Your emotions have needed a massage, some tlc and the flicker of butterflies in your stomach again. This includes those in relationships too: you and your partner deserve to smile at each other like when you first met.

Mistakes and errors are on the minds of Aquarians at the start of the year. You can do nothing about what is done. It is how to allow yourself time to advance that matters. Do not concern yourself with what has happened before.

May sees a dose of emotional energy. Jupiter is positive, powerfully so, and this will give you new confidence in all facets of your personal life so listen to that inner voice, otherwise known as gut-instinct.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

In general 2023 is a positive year for you. You can do as you always do or you can step up a level. Finances improve from February but to maintain this you must meet new challenges. You will be tested, to check your resolve so do not step back.

House and home will see changes and perhaps location.

Be driven by your own personal gratification. Just why can you not have the good things? There is no reason.

Avoid carelessness and build trust in yourself having fun as there is not enough of it. Do not be overly self indulgent either. There is a fine line and finding it lays a solid foundation for a very promising future. New people you meet socially are important and will provide lessons. Most will be really positive and one has your heart racing.


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