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Your stars for 2025

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By Patrick Arundell
Your stars for 2025

Aries 21 March-20 April

It’s a supercharged start to 2025 for you Aries, with your ruler in proud Leo, your fellow Fire sign, and at a potent angle to the planet of change, Pluto. This can be a year with a lot of positive developments. As Jupiter and Mercury connect potently, your words and ideas can create an impact. And with the Solar Eclipse in your sign in late March, the arrival of Neptune, then Saturn, for their first blushes in your sign for many years, and Uranus nipping into Gemini for four months from the 7th of July, a new beginning shapes up. This may be around where you live as much as your worldly interactions. Both the start of the year and from the 9th of June can see you thinking seriously about relocating. If you do, it’s because you’re so much clearer about who you are and what you want. Once you’re settled, the things you put into action will really start to come to fruition from the start of 2026, when first Neptune then Saturn return for the longer haul. With the Point of Destiny visiting your most spiritual sector from January, your interest in healing, releasing past issues and spending time in places that can recharge you will increase.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your ruler Venus starts this year in your sector of success, along with the planet of evolution, Pluto. This combination can help you to elevate your personal charisma and talents and connect with influential people in 2025. With the planet of change Uranus with you for eight months of the year, this may require you to refocus your plans. Longer-term schemes can make progress but may require a lot of commitment due to Saturn, the planet of hard work, squaring off Jupiter the planet of growth in your sector of everyday money as the year begins and in mid-June. New ways of earning money will show up in the summer months, but the Solar Eclipse in your sister earth sign of Virgo on the 21st of September suggests, along with Saturn and Neptune’s role in your sector of deep appraisal for some of the year, that old strands are going to make way. This will free up space for you to pursue new priorities, and key to this is going to be how you share your ideas, which with Jupiter’s help, if you can express them with enthusiasm and self-belief, can bring lots of new opportunities from the 9th of June.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With Mars and Pluto face to face as the year begins, you have a fantastic opportunity to be passionate about your ideas and how you share them. This can also be a year when you travel a lot, and connections with like-minded people and friends could really come to life from the end of March. Lots of positive interactions are possible, but also some people may make way as newer and fresher faces seek out your company. Your financial sector gets a huge boost from the 9th of June through to the year’s end, and with the electric energies of Uranus joining you for four months from the 7th of July, some exciting and very novel possibilities start to take shape. Where you live will take on more precedence from the Solar Eclipse of the 21st of September, when balancing your home, family and work needs with your professional or worldly commitments can play a larger role. Expect to be in demand Gemini, as your skill set is going to see you very much in vogue and promotions and greater recognition are possible with the Point of Destiny so beneficial. Really driving this success through, however, will require a lot of focused effort and discipline.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Your ruler, the Moon, is always very influential for you, as well as the Moon’s Nodes, and they’re suggesting new experiences and possibilities are in the celestial mix. Even if you are not a particularly materialistic person, influences from the start of the year can see you take resources more seriously. Or will it be a magnetic connection which makes your pulse race? It could be either or both. If variety is the spice of life, you may want to freshen up your daily routines or interests. Equally, you may find yourself making a change around your work. This could see you pitching into a completely new sector or redeploying hard-won skills and experiences in a new way. The planet or fortune Jupiter joins you for a year from the 9th of June, and this can feed into a sense of excitement but also a desire for fresh experiences. If you’ve long thought of working for yourself, or you already do, your enthusiasm can prove infectious. This is also a year when you may consider a new vehicle. Technology has a major role to play with many of us these days, but it could also be a way which you can liberate yourself, so working from home can appeal.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The year begins with the planet of desire, Mars, in your sign, and this is going to fire up considerable determination and willpower in you. Just be conscious that despite the best-laid plans, it might not be until March that things really start to build up momentum. You may find yourself wanting to complement your existing talents with new skills and knowledge, so any kind of course you do could prove to be crucial. The Solar Eclipse of late March can certainly give your enthusiasm a big push, and when Uranus moves into a sparkling location from the 7th of July, new and unexpected chances can just seem to fall for you. Jupiter’s arrival in your sector of deep revelations for a year in the early summer can also see you beginning a journey of personal and spiritual understanding. A guide, life coach or professional could give you great encouragement this year, but ultimately it’s what you take from them and deploy in your everyday life that’s going to be crucial. If you travel this year, it can be life-changing. You may visit somewhere that really grips your senses, but do make sure all the documentation is in order before you head off.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It’s a really big year for you Virgo, because of the Lunar Nodes and the Eclipse series being your sign and your opposite sign of Pisces. A major focus will be relationships, but this can be with yourself as much as anyone else, and they don’t have to be romantic, they could be with friends, colleagues or family members as much as more intimate involvements. What you’re being asked to do is become more aware of any habitual patterns that you retreat into that stop you from growing. With the planet of limitations, Saturn, moving from the end of May to the end of August in the area associated with karma, there could be some powerful transformations. Brightly, Jupiter gives you support from early June to connect to people who will be good for you. The Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 21st of September makes you more single-minded about following your muse when it comes to personal interests and spheres where you can showcase your individual needs. The delicate balance between collaboration and self-realisation is this year’s overarching theme.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As you enter 2025, you’re still surfing the tailwind of your last Solar Eclipse. And with Pluto the transformer now firmly entrenched for the long haul in the most charismatic part of your solar chart and Mars applying considerable thrust, it may seem that your social and romantic realms will hold most sway. And they can. But there will be a hiatus from the 6th of January through to the 18th of April, when your leadership qualities, professional demands and innate ambitions will need engaging with. In this sense you could surprise people with just how much willpower and authority you can manifest. The big lunation of late March and the move of Neptune followed by Saturn into your relating zone brings another powerful dynamic to life: your unwillingness to budge on the boundaries you’ve worked so hard to firm up. Good for you if so! After years of being a people-pleaser you’re becoming more aware of the need to fulfil your desires. But as first Jupiter and then the Cancer Solstice clash with this duo’s fiery new home, don’t be too intransigent. Stay with your love of fairness and justice too.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your two rulers clash as you surge into the new year. You may find yourself unexpectedly determined and perhaps a tad forceful as 2025’s new dawn emerges. Any politics could give you the push to break out and do something to burn off any frustration. Whether you head off for winter sun or snow, early January can be a fine time to shake things up. As the year unfolds you might find yourself looking to juggle your social interactions, friendships and sex life with the more practical demands which develop from the end of March onwards. Delightfully, the opportunity to travel to exotic or interesting destinations will be repeated from the 9th of June to the year’s end, and for a sign that can like a certain amount of familiarity to your life patterns, excitement pulses through your veins as new vistas beckon. If you’re single, a sizzling connection can occur, ironically in the most mundane of situations and places. But in any ongoing relationship, a fair balance of who does and contributes what to everyday chores will help to create greater domestic and harmonic bliss.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Once more a year begins with chatty Mercury in your sign, but the great news is that this year it’s not in Retrograde. Also, it’s in a direct opposition to your ruler, Jupiter. This combination can bring a sense of lighter energy and possibility. Further, potent Mars stirs your love of change and variety, or does it? For soon enough Mars is asking you to think of a very deep bond, shared finances, business matters or what you would like to break down and transform in your life. As the year unfolds, the Aries Solar Eclipse can sure help you to create a greater sense of possibility. But whatever choices and directions you take, do be guided by your inner voice, Archer. For this is the lesson that Saturn has been asking of you over the last couple of years, and the Point of Destiny will guide you towards this year. If you’re unfulfilled in a close romantic relationship, you may have some big decisions to make. Again, be guided by your instincts. Any energetic space you do create could prime you in readiness to go for a major prize in the last four months of the year, one you can seize.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Wherever your guide planet Saturn is located is a big deal for all of us, but an even bigger deal for Capricorns, and particularly so this year. Why? Well, for just over three months he makes an expeditionary journey into Aries. And for you, that’s the part of your situation to do with how you feel, where you live, your family life and emotional sphere. With Neptune entering this arena for nearly eight months, and a Solar Eclipse in March, it’s fair to say that where you live, with whom and how, is going to be part of this year’s story. But equally, how you express yourself, how you think about things, your belief systems, your level of knowledge and expertise are all at the heart of this celestial equation too. Now with Jupiter, the planet of fortune, lighting up your relationship sector from June, and Mars asserting himself in it from the 6th of January to the 18th of April, there could be a link. Essentially, relationships with those closest to you can be most gratifying or perhaps the most challenging. Yet if you do want to break out and be a free spirit, you’ll be able to do this in the last four months.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your two co-rulers, Saturn and Uranus, are right at the heart of the year 2025’s action Aquarius, but in a seriously positive way for your zodiac sign in particular. And with Pluto with you now for many years to come, this is a year when celestial cycles will start to turn in your direction. The action begins with assertive Mars helping you to establish your relationship needs loud and clear. If you’re solo but would like to meet someone this is significant. But so will the four months from the 7th of July onwards, as Uranus absolutely lights up the most exciting and riveting part of your solar chart. The Golden Triangle that this creates back to Saturn and Neptune in your 3rd House of expressive ideas, and Pluto in Aquarius, could see people finally start to be drawn to your magical and innovative ideas. But the exciting conversations you hold won’t be without a sense of purpose. Oh no, people will sense your gravitas and know that what you say is what you mean. True, shared finances, everyday income, business costs and investment will be areas that will require a juggle.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Point of Destiny enters your sign on the 11th of January. It hasn’t visited for just over eighteen years and can be seminal. This, and a series of Eclipses going between your sign and your sector of relating in Virgo, gives you some serious opportunities to find that fine balance between what you want from situations, what you’re prepared to give, and what other people require from you, but most of all work hard on your creative talents and individual flair. Saturn has possibly limited your energy in the last couple of years, and that can be a factor still now, but you could counter this by not scattering your energies too thinly. He suggests from the 27th of May to the end of August that you might take on a diet challenge or look to squeeze more from your resources, and you can! However, as Jupiter helps you to get more playful from the 9th of June, you may find yourself surprising loved ones and playing host over the four months from the 7th of July onwards. The Solar Eclipse in your relationship sector on the 21st of September can trigger some important connections in the last months of the year, be they professionally or personally.


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