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By Christie Breen

A MOFFAT reverend, two Freemasons and a member of the Knights Templar are taking their fundraising efforts to new heights — and speeds — to purchase life saving equipment for Upper Annandale Parish Church (UAPC).

Reverend Elsie Macrae along with Bill Wells, Colin Johnstone and Daniel McMeeken – all above – will be participating in a charity zipline to raise funds to install a defibrillator at UAPC.

The idea came to Bill after he attended a defibrillator training course earlier in the year, as he explained: “I had been to a training course for the defibrillators and I thought we should have one here, because there are two others in the town but they’re up the far end.

“I had a meeting with Daniel and Colin and they were in favour of it.

“And as soon as I mentioned the idea of the zipline they both jumped right in and said ‘we’ll do it with you’ and then we approached Elsie.”

They will be jumping off the edge at the Velocity site at Penrhyn Quarry in North Wales. The 1.5 kilometre long line is reported to be the fastest zipline in the world with some daredevils reaching speeds of up to 125 miles per hour.

So far the quartet are over halfway to their goal of £1000 and are hopeful they can raise the rest before they take their leap of faith in July.

Elsie said: “The support so far has been great, because it’s seen as a needed thing. In our case the nearest defibrillator is 200 yards from the church, but by the time someone could go, get it and come back that’s time lost rather than going right outside.

“It would be so handy for such a big space, since the renovations we are doing a lot more things in the church like hosting concerts, exercise classes and other activities, so why not have one right here.”

The fearless four are all looking forward to their zipline adventure even though it’ll be a first for all of them, as Colin added: “I think we’re all excited for it but there is a little tension in the back of your head.”

Elsie continued: “Once we get there, we’ll be like there’s no turning back now but none of us are thinking of backing out. We’re all excited for it and we all get on well so we can encourage one another and it’s working out to be a great team.”

n To donate to the fundraiser visit the group’s Just Giving page at: Or visit the UAPC Facebook page.